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Tote & Ingredient Bag Systems

Tote & Ingredient Bag Systems

tote bags

Automate Your Minor and Micro Ingredients

Whether you are looking to incorporate additional minor or micro ingredients into your existing silo system or you are looking for a complete independent system to handle these ingredients, Contemar Silo Systems has the solution that’s right for you.


Tote Bag Unloading Systems

Our Tote Bag Unloading Stations allow you to cost-effectively automate the handling of your minor ingredients. These unloading stations can be used in combination with our Indoor Flexible Fabric Silos as a perfect solution for both your major and minor ingredients or they can be designed as completely independent systems that effectively convey and accurately scale all of your minor ingredients.


Ingredient Bag Dump Stations

These types of stations allow our customers the ability to automate the conveyance and scaling of all of those ingredients that they purchase in paper bags. You can also use these types of dump stations as an independent batch conveyance system.


Micro-Ingredient Systems

Food manufacturers often spend a significant amount of time accurately pre-scaling all of the many different ingredients that they use in very small quantities. Our Micro-Ingredient Systems are designed to effectively perform this often repetitive task, while ensuring extreme accuracy and eliminating the potential for human error.

Project Details

  • Category:
    Tote & Ingredient Bag Systems
  • Date:
    April 12, 2015
  • Tags:
    building, company, office